Let’s talk drug-drug interactions 💊
🌟 With millions of potential drug interactions, figuring out what you need to commit to memory can be overwhelming 😵 . However, with the right approach and some (or a lotta 😆) practice, you’ll be able to see more of a pattern.
1. Know the interactions that are STRONG. 💪🏻 A strong inhibitor or inducer can lead to 5x the concentration of a drug while a weak inhibitor or inducer will cause less of a change. Higher concentrations lead to adverse side effects. Check out today’s post to help you remember the major inducers and inhibitors of CYP450 enzymes.
2. Know the interactions where the outcome is BAD. ❌ For example, tamoxifen is a prodrug. Strong 2D6 inhibitors such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, and bupropion can prevent the conversion of tamoxifen to its active form, therefore, increasing the risk that your patient will experience a reoccurrence of cancer. The same goes for the antiplatelet prodrug clopidogrel.
3. Start with the most COMMON drug interactions seen as they will likely be on exams and boards. 📝 Check out today’s post to see some examples of some of the major drug interactions.
4. Understand the MECHANISM of the drug interaction. 🧐 Inducers can ramp up the metabolism of a medication leading to decrease drug levels while inhibitors block the enzymes that break down the drug leading to higher drug concentrations.