🌟 The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones (T3 and T4, with T3 being the more active form) that affect metabolism, brain development, respiration, cardiac, nervous system functions, body temperature, muscle strength skin dryness, and so much more!⠀
👉🏻 HYPOthyroidism is a result of an UNDERactive thyroid vs. HYPERthyroidism is an OVERactive thyroid. ⠀
👉🏻 Common causes of hypothyroidism: having low levels doesn’t feel good – HAIL⠀
-Hashimoto’s disease⠀
-Iodine deficiency/interferons⠀
👉🏻To compensate for an UNDERactive thyroid, synthetic versions of thyroid hormones are administered. Levothyroxine is the drug of choice due to its once-daily dosing, low cost, and more uniform potency. ⠀