Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one of the top 200 drugs prescribed (sometimes over-prescribed 😔) and are the strongest medications used to treat stomach acid disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease or peptic ulcers. ⠀
The generics in this class all end in “prazole”, however, if you pay close attention, the brand names of these drugs also hint at what they do. See below for some examples:⠀
💊 Prilosec (omeprazole): Pr (short for proton), lo (low), sec (secretions) meaning lowered secretions of protons (acid)⠀
💊 Aciphex (rabeprazole): aci (acid), phex (fix) which means it can help fix acid problems⠀
💊 Prevacid (lansoprazole): Prev (prevent) acid ⠀
💊 Protonix (pantoprazole): Proton (acid) nix (get rid of) or in other words nix protons⠀