💊 Valproic acid is used in seizures, bipolar disorder, and migraine prophylaxis. It works by increasing the availability of gamma (y)-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
🖇️ Divalproex sodium is a compound of sodium valproate and valproic acid. Divalproex dissociates to valproate in the GI tract.
🖇️ Use special caution with the combination of valproic acid and lamotrigine due to the risk of serious rash called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome.
Hypoglycemia is often defined by a plasma glucose concentration below 70 mg/dL; however, signs and symptoms may not occur until plasma glucose concentrations drop below 55 mg/dL.
⭐ It is important to note that beta-blockers can mask common signs and symptoms that diabetics use to recognize hypoglycemic episodes (tremors and palpitations).
💊 Cisplatin is a chemotherapy medication used to treat a number of different cancers. Its name tells you that it is an isomer of a platinum-containing compound.
💊 Maalox is used to treat heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach, and upset stomach. The name is an acronym that refers to the solution’s compositional elements: MAgnesium and ALuminum Oxide.
💊 Sonata is the brand name of Zaleplon, a sedative used to treat insomnia. The prefix Sona means ‘sleepy’ in Portuguese to help you remember its indication.
🖇️ High levels of sodium can lead to a condition called hypernatremia, where the serum sodium concentration > 145 mEq/L (> 145 mmol/L).
🖇️ Sodium is a dominant cation in extracellular fluid and necessary for the maintenance of intravascular volume. When there is a large increase in sodium in the serum, the signs and symptoms often relate to fluids as you can see with today’s mnemonic.
🖇️ The human body maintains sodium and water homeostasis by concentrating the urine secondary to the action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and increased fluid intake by a powerful thirst response.
💊 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) work by inhibiting 5-HT reuptake by the presynaptic cleft, thus increasing serotonin levels in the synapse. It is commonly used to treat depression, a condition thought to be linked to low levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
⭐ As you can see, this mnemonic is similar to the mnemonic on the side effects of SNRIs. Since they both block serotonin reuptake, they exhibit very similar side effect profiles except SNRIs can also impact blood pressure (increase or decrease) due to the norepinephrine reuptake inhibition. SSRIs do not affect blood pressure.
In addition, SSRIs can cause weight gain in adults on long-term therapy, while SNRIs cause less of this long-term weight gain and are more associated with weight loss.
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are a class of antidepressants that work by blocking serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake in the synapse (as the name suggests).
🗒️ It is important to educate patients that there is an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children, adolescents, and young adults during the first few months of therapy and it may take up to 8 weeks before therapeutic effects are recognized.
Statins are the drugs of choice in treating increases in non-HDL and LDL cholesterol, as they have shown a reduction in cardiovascular disease and mortality.
Statins inhibit the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, which prevents the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate. This is the rate-limiting step in cholesterol synthesis.
💊 Bactroban is the brand name of mupirocin, an antibiotic ointment that works to inhibit the growth of bacteria, hence the name ‘ban bacteria’ or Bactroban.
💊 Emend is the brand name of aprepitant, an anti-nausea medication indicated to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. The name emend has the components of ‘end emesis’ in it.
💊 Morphine is an opioid pain medication. The drug was named after Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams because in addition to its long-lasting analgesic effects, it would also induce sleep.
❤️ Cardioselective beta-blockers work on the beta-1 receptors. Beta-1 receptors primarily are found in cardiac tissues whereas beta-2 receptors are located in the lungs (remember: 1 heart, two lungs).
❤️ Cardioselective beta-blockers exert their effect by binding to the beta-1 receptor sites selectively and inhibiting the action of epinephrine and norepinephrine on these sites. They are often preferred in patients with respiratory disease as they are less likely to cause constriction of airways or peripheral vasculature.
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MOA) are a class of antidepressants that includes Isocarboxazide (Marplan), Phenelzine (Nardil), Tranylcypromine (Parnate), and Selegiline (Emsam).
MAO inhibitors are prone to drug interactions that inhibit its breakdown and could lead to hypertensive crisis, serotonin syndrome, or increased psychosis.
⭐ Patients taking MAO inhibitors must avoid tyramine-rich foods, including aged cheese, pickled herring, yeast extract, air-dried meats, sauerkraut, soy sauce, fava beans, and some red wines and beers as it can precipitate hypertensive crisis. Foods can become high in tyramine when they have been aged, fermented, pickled, or smoked.
💊 Vicodin is the brand name for hydrocodone/acetaminophen. Its component hydrocodone is approximately 6 times (VI) times as potent as codeine (codin).
💊 Levitra is the brand name for vardenafil, a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction. The article ‘Le’ is used to describe masculine nouns in French (‘La’ is used with feminine nouns) and vitra is similar to the word vitality. So together, the name masculine vitality will help you remember the indication for Levitra.
💊 Actigall is the brand name for ursodiol, a medication used to dissolve certain types of gallstones. It sounds a lot like “ACTS ON THE GAL-bladder” to help you remember what it is used for.
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (aerobic, non-spore forming bacillus). Active TB is transmitted by aerosolized droplets (sneezing, coughing, talking, etc.) and is highly contagious.
Active disease treatment is divided into two treatment phases, initial and continuation. To avoid treatment failure due to resistance, the preferred initial treatment consists of a 4 drug regimen of rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol (RIPE).
These 4 drugs are taken for about 8 weeks during the initiation phase. In the continuation phase, the regimen is narrowed based on susceptibilities.
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are drugs used to treat depression, bipolar disorder, and other conditions such as chronic pain and insomnia. They primarily work by blocking norepinephrine and serotonin (5HT2) reuptake. They also block acetylcholine and histamine receptors which contribute to their side effect profile.
👉🏻 Muscarinic M1 block: anticholinergic side effects including dry mouth, blurry vision, constipation, and urinary retention
👉🏻 Histamine 1 receptor block: sedation and weight gain
👉🏻 Adrenergic alpha block: postural hypotension, tachycardia, and erectile disfunction
👉🏻 Sodium channel block: QTc prolongation, arrhythmias
👉🏻 Serotonin uptake block: weight gain
Brand/generics can be overwhelming to learn but a good tip is to first group the drugs into classes, starting with the ACE-inhibitors. ACE-inhibitors are antihypertensive medications that all end in ‘-pril’.
This is a high-yield question that is often asked on exams and clinical rotations. This mnemonic helps you remember which vitamin K-dependent factors warfarin affects.
Warfarin, brand name Coumadin, is an anticoagulant that acts by inhibiting the synthesis of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, which include Factors II, VII, IX, and X, and the anticoagulant proteins C and S.